What is an LLC?

Find the right LLC attorney in Lynchburg, VA

The Limited Liability Company, or LLC, is a business structure that combines the benefits of many traditional business forms. A LLC has the advantages of a corporation's limited liability, but avoids double taxation like a partnership or sole proprietorship. An LLC can also have an endless amount of shareholders, like a corporation. However, the LLC is dissolved if one of those members dies or files for bankruptcy. For hundreds of years, limited liability has been a main goal of some business forms, but since the Virginia legislature enacted laws authorizing its formation, the modern LLC has become more and more popular.

Can My Business Be Formed as an LLC?

A business in Virginia can be organized using the form that it chooses. If the founders want to organize as an LLC, all that is necessary is filing the appropriate form with the Secretary of State. However, some charge additional fees for the formation of LLC?s, and in Virginia there are specific laws that govern the actions of LLC?s. In deciding whether you should organize as an LLC, you should consider carefully the applicable laws. Finding the right business structure for your company may lead to increased profits, but the process may take some time.

Can I Change the Form of My Business to an LLC?

Businesses in Lynchburg may change their forms in certain circumstances. Whether a business may convert to a LLC or not is determined by Virginia law.

How Can an Attorney Help?

Attorneys experienced in Virginia business law can give you valuable input on whether your business would be more profitable as a LLC.

Talk to a Business Law Attorney now!

Life in Lynchburg

Lynchburg is part of the Commonwealth of Virginia with an approximate population of 75,600 people. It is located near the Blue Ridge Mountains and James River. Popular nicknames include the "City of Seven Hills" and "The Hill City."

Popular sites of the city include Poplar Forest, Amazement Square, the Lynchburg Museum, Point of Honor, Miller-Clayton House, Peaks of Otter, Blue Ridge Parkway, James River Heritage Trail and Nature Zone.

Lynchburg is home to many practicing, competent attorneys who practice in practically all areas of law. Therefore, residents do not have to travel far to have their legal needs taken care of.

Famous residents include Luke Jordan, Cedric Peerman, Faith Prince, Charlie Thomas, Skeet Ulrich, Phil Vassar, George H. Walker, Randall Wallace, and Robert E. Withers.

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