Incorporation in Ohio

Find the right Business Incorporation attorney in Mentor, OH

For businesses seeking recognition as separate legal entities, Ohio law allows them to undergo the process of incorporation. An incorporated business acts in its own name, whether buying and selling property, assenting to contracts or exercising legal rights. The office of the Secretary of State is the agency that receives applications for incorporation in Ohio, and they must be completed in conformity with particular guidelines.

Benefits of Incorporation in Ohio

Certain benefits inure to a business in Ohio that has incorporated over one that has not. First, a corporation's liabilities can never go beyond the amount invested in the business by the owners. With unincorporated businesses, personal property of owners can be liquidated in order to satisfy the liabilities of the business. Also, creditors in the Mentor area usually prefer to deal with corporations, since a loan is an investment more easily evaluated when the credit-worthiness of various owners is not an issue. Lastly, the ownership stake in a corporation can be apportioned into uniform slices, known as "shares" of stock. This makes it possible to sell ownership investments in more manageable slices.

Costs of Incorporation

These advantages come at a price. First, incorporation in Ohio may require a filing fee. Second, a corporation pays taxes just like any other entity. Disbursements to the owners of the corporation are also taxed as individual income, so this means earnings may be taxed twice. But this double taxation can be avoided with proper planning and help from a local Mentor lawyer.

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Life in Mentor

Mentor, Ohio is a city located in Lake County. As of the 2000 United States Census, it has a population of approximately 50,000 people.

In 2006, Money Magazine named Mentor, Ohio as one of the 100 best places to live in the United States.

Thanks to its moderate size, and the fact that it is near Cleveland, without being directly adjacent, Mentor boasts most of the modern ameneties and conveniences that one would expect from a large city, and the quiet, slightly pastoral charm of a small town.

Mentor, Ohio has a thriving retail sector, with a good blend of local and chain stores. The same goes for its dining options.

Mentor Ohio, being on the shore of Lake Erie, is also home to several outdoor recreational options, including Headlands Beach State Park, which has the longest natural beach on Lake Erie.

The area also offers boating, fishing, water-skiing, hiking, and camping, among many other outdoor activities.

Thanks to its size and diversity, Mentor, Ohio has a diverse and thriving legal community. If you are facing any sort of legal issue, the chances are good that a Mentor, Ohio attorney will be able to help you solve it.

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