What is an LLC?

Find the right LLC attorney in Union City, NJ

The LLC, or Limited Liability Company, is a business structure that was invented to offer an array of benefits typically provided by other traditional business forms. An LLC has the same advantage of limited liability that a corporation does, but without being taxed as its own entity. Instead, it's taxed more similarly to a sole proprietorship or partnership. Like a corporation, a LLC can have unlimited shareholders, called members. But a key difference is if one of these shareholders dies or files for bankruptcy, the LLC is dissolved and will stop operations unless the remaining members form a new LLC. For hundreds of years, limited liability has been a primary goal of some business forms, but since the New Jersey legislature enacted laws authorizing its formation, the modern LLC has become more and more popular.

Can My Business Be Formed as an LLC?

A business in New Jersey can be organized using the form that it chooses. If the founders want to organize as an LLC, all that is required is filing the appropriate form with the Secretary of State. However, some charge additional fees for the formation of LLC?s, and in New Jersey there are specific laws that govern the actions of LLC?s. When deciding whether to form a LLC, you should consider which laws would apply to your company. Although it may take some time to find, choosing the right business structure for your company will lead to increased profitability.

Can I Change the Form of My Business to an LLC?

Under certain conditions, a business in Union City may change its form. Eligibility for conversion to a LLC is determined by New Jersey law.

How Can an Attorney Help?

Whether it would be favorable for your business to form or convert to a LLC is a difficult decision. An attorney practicing business law in New Jersey can give you valuable advice.

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Life in Union City

Union City is situated in Hudson County in the state of New Jersey. Its population is just over 67,000, but it is the most densely populated city in the entire U.S. Union City is nicknamed both the "Embroidery Capital of the United States" and "Havana on the Hudson". These nicknames come from the waves of German and Cuban immigrants that greatly influenced the city's culture.

Union City is famous for being an outstanding place for retail and business. The centerpiece of the city is Bergenline Avenue, which is the longest commercial avenue in New Jersey. Bergenline Avenue features over 300 retail stores and eateries, and has been locally nicknamed as the "Miracle Mile". The area is the main commercial landing for the Northern Hudson County area.

In addition to Bergenline Avenue's influence, many businesses are flocking to Union City to take advantage of its favorable business sales tax incentives. Union City is located within in the Urban Enterprise Zone, which is a New Jersey Program established in order to assist cities in their commercial development. Revenue generated from the tax breaks is collected into a fund to assist Union City commercial projects.

Lawyers in Union City, New Jersey typically process legal claims at the Hudson County Municipal Court. Serving the nation's most densely populated city, Union City lawyers are accustomed to addressing a variety of unique and challenging legal issues.

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