Incorporation in North Carolina

Find the right Business Incorporation attorney in Greensboro, NC

For businesses seeking identification as separate legal entities, North Carolina law allows them to undergo the process of incorporation. As a separate entity from the owners, the business is then considered to be operating on its own when it buys and sells property, assents to contracts and exercises legal rights. To incorporate in North Carolina, a business must file with the Secretary of State in compliance with particular guidelines.

Benefits of Incorporation in North Carolina

A corporation enjoys advantages that unincorporated companies do not. Primarily, it cannot be held accountable for an amount of debt greater than the value of the assets that the owners have invested in it. If the business had remained a personal asset of the owners, they could run the risk of losing their personal property to pay for the company's financial liabilities in case of default. A corporation might also find it easier to finance itself through loans, allowing creditors in the Greensboro area to evaluate their investment by assessing the corporation rather than the individual credit-worthiness of its owners. Finally, the ownership stake in a corporation can be apportioned into uniform slices, known as "shares" of stock. This makes it possible to sell ownership investments in more manageable slices.

Costs of Incorporation

Incorporation can be costly. First, a modest filing fee might be charged in North Carolina for any business that wants to incorporate. Also, a corporation is taxed as its own entity. The individual incomes of the owners are still taxed also, and this can mean the same income is taxed twice, known as double taxation. With proper planning and assistance from a local Greensboro lawyer, you can avoid this disadvantage.

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Life in Greensboro

Greensboro, North Carolina has many wonderful sights and attractions for everyone to enjoy. For those who really want to experience the culture of Greensboro, there is more than enough to see. Greensboro is filled with art galleries such as the Tyler White Gallery, Irene Cullis Gallery and the University of North Carolina's AT State University Gallery. Other cultural attractions include the Greensboro Symphony Hall, Livestock Players Musical Theatre, the International Civil Rights Center Museum, and the Greensboro Historical Museum.

For those who enjoy some history along with culture, Greenboro has many attractions that serve an educational purpose by displaying the area's rich history. These attractions include the Natural Science Center, Tannenbaum Historic Park, Bicentennial Garden David Caldwell Historic Park, The Greensboro Arboretum, and War Memorial Stadium. As you can see, each attraction in Greensboro includes a rich sense or culture or history. Greensboro therefore guarantees that no visitor leave without being touched with the area's rich culture and historical background.

Greensboro is also home to many prestigious law firms whose practices include all areas of law, from criminal defense, to environmental, to corporate. Therefore, the residents of Greensboro are ensured that their legal needs will be met by intelligent, reliable, and experienced lawyers capable of handling any legal matter.

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