What is an LLC?

Find the right LLC attorney in Warren, MI

The legal business form of the LLC, or Limited Liability Company, offers the advantages of several other traditional business forms. Limited liability is an advantage that the LLC shares with the corporation, but instead of being taxed as its own entity, it is viewed more like a sole proprietorship or partnership for tax purposes. Like a corporation, a LLC can have unlimited shareholders, called members. But a main difference is if one of these shareholders dies or files for bankruptcy, the LLC is dissolved and will stop operations unless the remaining members form a new LLC. Many business forms have traditionally been aimed at the goal of limited liability, but the LLC is the most modern of these forms, having become popular since the enactment of laws in Michigan that authorized its formation.

Can My Business Be Formed as an LLC?

The right business form is a decision left up to each business that openes in Michigan. An LLC is started just by filing the appropriate form with the Secretary of State. Fees are regularly charged for opening LLC's, however, and Michigan law determines the costs for creating LLC's. In deciding whether you should organize as an LLC, you should consider carefully the applicable laws. Finding the right business structure for your company may lead to increased profits, but the process may take some time.

Can I Change the Form of My Business to an LLC?

A business in Warren may change its form under certain conditions. Whether or not a business is eligible for conversion to a LLC is a determination made by applicable Michigan laws.

How Can an Attorney Help?

Lawyers practicing business law in Michigan can advise you on whether it would be favorable for your business to form or convert to a LLC.

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Life in Warren

Warren, Michigan is the largest city in Macomb County. With a population of 135,000, it is the largest city in the county and the third largest in the state of Michigan. Many large businesses and corporations have their home in Warren, Michigan, including Big Boy Restaurants International, General Motors Technical Center, and the U.S. Army Detroit Arsenal. Due to the many business and employment opportunities in the city, Warren has a separate Community and Economic Development Department to monitor the city's progress.

In addition to its many economic opportunities, Warren, Michigan also supports an active recreation department. The city maintains a total of 24 parks and holds several outdoor concerts every year. Also, the Owen Jax Recreation center in Warren is a large multipurpose facility for sports activities, teen events, and senior games. Many residents enjoy the local activities held there throughout the seasons. The Warren Community Center also holds similar events and activities.

Warren, Michigan is also home to a number of historical sites and markers. In particular, Village of Warren, Detroit Arsenal Tank Plant, and General Motors Technical Center are favorite destinations for residents and tourists alike.

Lawyers in Warren, Michigan provide the community with legal services in a wide variety of areas. They are available to assist persons by giving legal advice, providing representation in court, and other similar tasks. Many Warren, Michigan lawyers are active members of legal and civic organizations such as the Macomb County Bar Association.

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