What is an LLC?

Find the right LLC attorney in Federal Way, WA

The Limited Liability Company, or LLC, is a business structure that combines the advantages of many traditional business forms. A LLC has the benefits of a corporation's limited liability, but avoids double taxation like a partnership or sole proprietorship. LLC's, like corporations, can also have as many shareholders, or members, as desired. The LLC, however, is dissolved if one of those members files for bankruptcy or dies. Business forms with limited liability have existed for hundreds of years, but the modern LLC became more popular in Washington since the legislature enacted laws authorizing its formation.

Can My Business Be Formed as an LLC?

A business in Washington can be organized using the form that it chooses. If the founders want to organize as an LLC, all that is required is filing the appropriate form with the Secretary of State. However, fees are generally required to form a LLC. The actions of LLC's as well as the costs for operating them are determined by Washington law. You should consider these laws when deciding whether to organize your business as an LLC. Finding the right business structure for your company may take some effort, but it will ultimately make your business more profitable.

Can I Change the Form of My Business to an LLC?

A business in Federal Way may change its form under particular conditions. Whether or not a business is eligible for conversion to a LLC is a determination made by applicable Washington laws.

How Can an Attorney Help?

The decision of whether to form or convert to a LLC is best considered with the advice of local Attorneys practicing business law in Washington.

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Life in Federal Way

Federal Way is a city in the state of Washington; specifically, it is located in King County. Federal Way is located between the cities of Seattle and Tacoma. Bordering areas include Puget Sound, Des Moines, Kent, Milton, and Fife.

The city's top employers include Weyerhaeuser, World Vision, St. Francis Hospital, Wild Waves Theme Park, ACS, Wal-Mart, and Coldwell Banker Danforth Associates. Federal Way is also home to many small law offices that cater to residents' legal needs in every area of practice.

Famous residents include Dan Spillner, Kyle Secor, Michael Dickerson, Roy Thomas, Travis Ishikawa, and Kelyn Rowe.

Overall, Federal Way is a city rich in history and definitely worth visiting when in Washington!

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