What is an LLC?

Find the right LLC attorney in Burke, VA

The Limited Liability Company, or LLC, is a business structure that combines the advantages of many traditional business forms. A LLC has the benefits of a corporation's limited liability, but avoids double taxation like a partnership or sole proprietorship. An LLC can also have an unlimited amount of shareholders, like a corporation. However, the LLC is dissolved if one of those members dies or files for bankruptcy. Limited liability has historically been a primary goal of many business forms, but since the legislature authorized it in Virginia, the modern LLC has become increasingly popular.

Can My Business Be Formed as an LLC?

Businesses in Virginia can organize using whatever form they choose. The office of the Secretary of State is the organization that accepts filings by those who want to open LLC's. However, fees are often required to form a LLC. The actions of LLC's as well as the costs for operating them are determined by Virginia law. You should consider these laws when deciding whether to organize your business as an LLC. Finding the right business structure for your company may take some effort, but it will ultimately make your business more profitable.

Can I Change the Form of My Business to an LLC?

Businesses in Burke may change their forms in certain circumstances. Whether a business may convert to a LLC or not is determined by Virginia law.

How Can an Attorney Help?

Whether it would be favorable for your business to form or convert to a LLC is a difficult decision. An attorney practicing business law in Virginia can give you valuable advice.

Talk to a Business Law Attorney now!

Life in Burke

Burke, Virginia isa community in Fairfax County. Its population is nearly 60,000 people, as of the 2000 Census.

The area now known as Burke has been populated by humans since prehistory, but really began to come into its own as a town in the 1840s, when the construction of a railroad brought industry and jobs.

The railroad station, and the accompanying post offices and telegraph stations, proved strategically important during the American Civil War, with both sides fighting to control the town.

Modernly, like much of Fairfax County, Burke, Virginia is considered a suburb of Washington, D.C. After WWI, many employees of the federal government began to move to Burke, because the Capital was easily accessible, thanks to the railroad.

Burke, Virginia is served by several public transportation options that connect it to Washington, D.C., as well as major federal facilities in the surrounding area, such as the Pentagon.

Given the large number of government employees who live in Burke, as well as its residential character, it shouldn't be a surprise that there are plenty of Burke, Virginia lawyers who can handle a legal issue that the average person is likely to face.

Whatever legal matter you're facing, or think you might have to face soon, it's an excellent idea to, at the very least, speak with a Burke, Virginia lawyer.

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