What is an LLC?

Find the right LLC attorney in Midwest, OK

The Limited Liability Company, or LLC, is a legal business structure that seeks to combine advantages from across several other traditional business forms. A LLC has the advantages of a corporation's limited liability, but avoids double taxation like a partnership or sole proprietorship. Like a corporation, the LLC can also have an endless amount of shareholders, called members. Unlike a corporation however, if a member dies, files for bankruptcy, or otherwise leaves the LLC, the company is dissolved. Business forms with limited liability have existed for hundreds of years, but the modern LLC became more popular in Oklahoma since the legislature enacted laws authorizing its creation.

Can My Business Be Formed as an LLC?

Oklahoma allows a company to incorporate using the business form it chooses. To start as an LLC, a company just files the necessary form with the Secretary of State. There can be a fee required for opening your LLC, however. Applicable Oklahoma laws govern the formation of LLC's and their actions. You should consider these laws when deciding whether to organize your business as an LLC. Finding the right business structure for your company might take some effort, but it will ultimately make your business more profitable.

Can I Change the Form of My Business to an LLC?

Businesses in Midwest might sometimes change form. A company is eligible for conversion to an LLC if its situation falls under circumstances that are detailed by Oklahoma law.

How Can an Attorney Help?

A lawyer versed in Oklahoma business law will be able to advise you of the advantages and costs for forming and maintaining a LLC.

Talk to a Business Law Attorney now!

Life in Midwest

Believe it or not, but Midwest is the name of a city in Oklahoma. Per the 2010 census, 54,371 people call it home. It is located nearby Tinker Air Force Base. The city is recognized for enduring the wrath of two tornadoes in 1999 and 2003.

The two most popular attractions are Tinker Air Force Base and the Atkinson Heritage Center. Amongst other attractions is the list of famous residents, both past and present. This list includes names such as A.J. Hinch, Matt Kemp, Brian Tallet, Shelden Williams, Mike Gundy, Royce D. Applegate, and J.T. Realmuto.

Although Tinker Air Force Base is seen as a top employer, Midwest also has many law offices and small firms that cater to legal needs of residents and local businesses in many areas of law. Therefore, residents and businesses can remain rest assured because any and every legal need can be handled by Midwest's competent legal force.

Overall, Midwest is a great place to call home and a great place to visit!

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