What is Entertainment Law?

Find the right Entertainment attorney in Tonawanda, NY

Entertainment law is a branch of law concerned specifically with the property issues that surround pieces of entertainment like books, movies and visual arts. It is an imminent concern for those who work in the entertainment industries that their work is not plagiarized or exploited. To protect the intellectual property rights of artists, copyright and trademark laws are available to those working in New York.

What is A Copyright?

A copyright is the legal right to exclusively produce a certain medium, such as art, movies and writing. Others are prevented from using or reproducing your copyrighted materials without your consent. When a copyright holder gives consent for others to use the protected material, it is called a license. A copyright holder in New York also has the exclusive privilege of selling any licenses for the price it chooses. A copyright does not last forever, and all procedures surrounding copyrights are governed by state entertainment laws. You will want to familiarize yourself with the specifics, whether you want to simply protect your property rights or you are interested in selling licenses for your work.

What is a Trademark?

A trademark is a symbol or other notable visual characteristic that is associated with a specific commercial brand. In the entertainment industry, they help to establish product recognition. A trademark must be registered with the U.S. patent and trademark office, and it does not expire. With a trademark, a company may begin to establish brand identity.

How Can a New York Attorney Help?

In Tonawanda, many Attorneys have specialized in the field of entertainment law. If you feel you need a copyright or a trademark, legal experts can explain the benefits and guide you through the process of obtaining them in New York

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Life in Tonawanda

Tonawanda--the name means "confluent stream" and is located in Erie County, New York. It is located across the Erie Canal and north of Buffalo.

The city is known for celebrating "Canal Fest." This is an one week festival where Tonawanda's history is celebrated. The festival aims to promote history and business for the city.

Popular sites include Gateway Harbor, Isle View Park, Niawanda Park, and The Long Homestead.

The city is home to many attorneys who have established law offices. These attorneys focus on providing residents and local businesses with excellent legal services.

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