Wilmington LLC Attorneys - North Carolina | LegalMatch Lawyer Finder

What is an LLC?

Find the right LLC attorney in Wilmington, NC

The LLC, or Limited Liability Company, is a business structure that was invented to offer an array of advantages normally provided by other traditional business forms. An LLC enjoys the same form of limited liability as a corporation, but like the sole proprietorship and partnership, it is not taxed as its own entity. Like a corporation, a LLC can have unlimited shareholders, called members. But a main difference is if one of these shareholders dies or files for bankruptcy, the LLC is dissolved and will stop operations unless the remaining members form a new LLC. For hundreds of years, limited liability has been a main goal of some business forms, but since the North Carolina legislature enacted laws authorizing its formation, the modern LLC has become more and more popular.

Can My Business Be Formed as an LLC?

Businesses in North Carolina may organize using whatever form they choose. The office of the Secretary of State is the organization that accepts filings by those who want to open LLC's. However, some charge additional fees for the formation of LLC?s, and in North Carolina there are particular laws that govern the actions of LLC?s. You should consider these laws when deciding whether to organize your business as an LLC. Finding the right business structure for your company might take some effort, but it will ultimately make your business more profitable.

Can I Change the Form of My Business to an LLC?

Businesses in Wilmington might sometimes change form. A company is eligible for conversion to an LLC if its situation falls under circumstances that are detailed by North Carolina law.

How Can an Attorney Help?

The decision of whether to form or convert to a LLC is best considered with the advice of local Lawyers practicing business law in North Carolina.

Talk to a Business Law Attorney now!

Life in Wilmington

Wilmington is in New Hanover County, North Carolina. It is the eighth most populated city in the state, with a population of 362,315 people. It was named after Spencer Compton, the Prime Minister under King George II. Also, in 2003 the city was recognized as "A Coast Guard City" by the United States Congress.

Some popular attractions are Airlie Gardens, Cape Fear Serpentarium, North Carolina Aquarium, Screen Gems Studios, USS North Carolina Battleship Museum, Thalian Hall Center for the Performing Arts, and Fourth Friday Gallery Nights.

Top employers of the city include Corning, Verizon Wireless, General Electric, and Pharmaceutical Product Development.

Wilmington is also home to many law firms and law offices that train excellent attorneys to handle any and every legal inquiry.

Famous residents include Sophia Bush, Chelsea Cooley, Alge Crumpler, Roman Gabriel, Joseph Gallison, Ed Hinton, Jana Kramer, James Lafferty, and Trot Nixon.

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