What is an LLC?

Find the right LLC attorney in Battle Creek, MI

The legal business form of the LLC, or Limited Liability Company, offers the benefits of several other traditional business forms. An LLC has the same advantage of limited liability that a corporation does, but without being taxed as its own entity. Instead, it's taxed more similarly to a sole proprietorship or partnership. Also like corporations, LLC's can have as many shareholders, or members, as it likes. Unlike a corporation however, the death or bankruptcy of one of the members will dissolve the LLC. Business forms with limited liability have existed for hundreds of years, but the modern LLC became more popular in Michigan since the legislature enacted laws authorizing its formation.

Can My Business Be Formed as an LLC?

A business in Michigan can be organized using the form that it chooses. If the founders want to organize as an LLC, all that is required is filing the appropriate form with the Secretary of State. However, fees are often required to form a LLC. The actions of LLC's as well as the costs for operating them are determined by Michigan law. In deciding whether you should organize as an LLC, you should consider carefully the applicable laws. Finding the right business structure for your company can lead to increased profits, but the process may take some time.

Can I Change the Form of My Business to an LLC?

A business in Battle Creek may change its form under specific conditions. Whether or not a business is eligible for conversion to a LLC is a determination made by applicable Michigan laws.

How Can an Attorney Help?

Attorneys experienced in Michigan business law can give you valuable input on whether your business would be more profitable as a LLC.

Talk to a Business Law Attorney now!

Life in Battle Creek

Battle Creek is located in Calhoun County, Michigan. Per the 2010 census, 52,347 call people call Battle Creek home. The city's nickname is "Cereal City" because the Kellogg Company headquarters and corporate location of Post Cereals is in Battle Creek. Also, Battle Creek is the third largest city in Michigan, after Detroit and Grand Rapids.

The city's largest employers include Kellogg, Harte-Dole-Inouye Federal Center, Denso, Battle Creek Health System, Battle Creek VA Medical Center, the school district, ASMO Manufacturing, and the Michigan Air National Guard. To support these employers, as well as residents, Battle Creek is also home to law firms that train excellent attorneys who focus on providing the best legal services.

Some great sites to check out in Battle Creek is the Bailey Park C.O. Brown Stadium, Binder Park Zoo, Firekeepers Casino, Full Blast Outdoor Water Park, W.K. Kellogg Manor House, Kimball House Museum, Kingman Museum and Planetarium, Leila Arboretum, Linear Park, and Willard Beach and Park.

Overall, Battle Creek is a wonderful place to live and visit!

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