What is an LLC?

Find the right LLC attorney in Miami, FL

The Limited Liability Company, or LLC, is a legal form of business organization that offers the benefits of several other traditional structures. An LLC has the same benefit of limited liability that a corporation does, but without being taxed as its own entity. Instead, it's taxed more similarly to a sole proprietorship or partnership. Like a corporation, the LLC can also have an endless amount of shareholders, called members. Unlike a corporation however, if a member dies, files for bankruptcy, or otherwise leaves the LLC, the company is dissolved. Different forms of limited liability companies have been around for hundreds years, but the modern LLC, like the legislature enacted in Florida, became more popular in the past several decades.

Can My Business Be Formed as an LLC?

The right business form is a decision left up to each business that openes in Florida. An LLC is started just by filing the appropriate form with the Secretary of State. Fees are frequently charged for opening LLC's, however, and Florida law determines the costs for creating LLC's. You should consider these laws when deciding whether to organize your business as an LLC. Finding the right business structure for your company might take some effort, but it will ultimately make your business more profitable.

Can I Change the Form of My Business to an LLC?

Changing business forms in Miami can be done if a company's situation meets specific conditions. Conversion to a LLC is possible if Florida law permits it in your situation.

How Can an Attorney Help?

Attorneys experienced in Florida business law can give you valuable input on whether your business would be more profitable as a LLC.

Talk to a Business Law Attorney now!

Life in Miami

Miami is the seat of Miami-Dade County and the city with the 9th largest population in the entire United States with over 2.5 million Florida residents. In addition to the massive population, Miami is one of the most popular tourist destinations. It's the United States' 5th richest city and was voted "America's Cleanest City" by Forbes Magazine. The Port of Miami is the number one cruise passenger port on the globe earning Miami the title of "Cruise Capital of the World." Miami does not disappoint with attractions. The Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts ranks just behind New York's Lincoln Center for the largest performing arts center in the entire United States and hosts world renown operas, ballets, concerts, musicals, and plays.

You shouldn't be surprised to find that the City of Miami attracts so many performance artists like musicians, singers, actors, and dancers. You may also know Miami for it's notoriety as a modeling capital with world renown agencies and events like Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Miami, an annual event. The Art Basel Miami Beach is an annual art exhibition of contemporary pieces that's known worldwide as "the Olympics of Art" for its size and diverse attendance.

Miami is a city that thrives off f business from tourists. The Cuban immigrants introduced conga, Dominicans brought meringue, Brazilians come with samba, and the Caribbean reggae have blended into a diverse and exciting music scene. The front line of cutting edge music can be heard by famous DJs like DJ Khaled, DJ Laz, and Pitbull. Miami clubs are famous in tv and film.

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