What is an LLC?

Find the right LLC attorney in South Gate, CA

The Limited Liability Company, or LLC, is a legal form of business organization that offers the advantages of several other traditional structures. Like a sole proprietorship or partnership, an LLC is not taxed as its own entity. However, it still has the advantage of limited liability, the same as a corporation. LLC's, like corporations, can also have as many shareholders, or members, as desired. The LLC, however, is dissolved if one of those members files for bankruptcy or dies. For hundreds of years, limited liability has been a primary goal of some business forms, but since the California legislature enacted laws authorizing its formation, the modern LLC has become more and more popular.

Can My Business Be Formed as an LLC?

California allows a company to incorporate using the business form it chooses. To begin as an LLC, a company simply files the necessary form with the Secretary of State. Fees are often charged for opening LLC's, however, and California law determines the costs for creating LLC's. In deciding whether you should organize as an LLC, you should consider carefully the applicable laws. Finding the right business structure for your company can lead to increased profits, but the process may take some time.

Can I Change the Form of My Business to an LLC?

Under certain conditions, a business in South Gate may change its form. Eligibility for conversion to a LLC is determined by California law.

How Can an Attorney Help?

Attorneys experienced in California business law can give you valuable input on whether your business would be more profitable as a LLC.

Talk to a Business Law Attorney now!

Life in South Gate

When people think of Los Angeles, Malibu, Hollywood or Beverly Hills often comes to mind. However, South Gate is the sixteenth largest city in Los Angeles County. It is part of the Gateway Cities and is home to approximately 102,770 people. South Gate is nicknamed the "Azalea City" because it adopted the azalea as its official flower.

Some great attractions to see in South Gate include Watts Tower Arts Center, the Japanese American Cultural and Community Center, Los Angeles Philharmonic,Watts Towers, Shrine Auditorium, Helitac Aviation, Karyn Lovegrove Gallery and Cultural Center Rosecrucoan Amorc.

With South Gate being so close to central Los Angeles, South Gate residents are a short drive away from top-notch legal representation. Los Angeles is home to top-tier law schools such as UCLA and USC, as well as large multinational firms. South Gate residents also have close access to many small and mid-size firms in Los Angeles that alse house excellent attorneys. All in all, South Gate residents are in luck--they have a vast and diverse legal force awaiting to serve their legal needs!

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Howard B.

Business - Litigation

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Roseland, NJ

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Walnut Creek, CA