What is an LLC?

Find the right LLC attorney in Stevens Point, WI

The Limited Liability Company, or LLC, is a business structure that combines the advantages of many traditional business forms. An LLC enjoys the same type of limited liability as a corporation, but like the sole proprietorship and partnership, it is not taxed as its own entity. Like a corporation, a LLC can have unlimited shareholders, called members. But a key difference is if one of these shareholders dies or files for bankruptcy, the LLC is dissolved and will stop operations unless the remaining members form a new LLC. For hundreds of years, limited liability has been a primary goal of some business forms, but since the Wisconsin legislature enacted laws authorizing its formation, the modern LLC has become more and more popular.

Can My Business Be Formed as an LLC?

Businesses in Wisconsin can organize using whatever form they choose. The office of the Secretary of State is the organization that accepts filings by those who want to open LLC's. Fees are generally charged for opening LLC's, however, and Wisconsin law determines the costs for creating LLC's. When deciding whether to form a LLC, you should consider which laws would apply to your company. Although it may take some time to find, choosing the right business structure for your company will lead to increased profitability.

Can I Change the Form of My Business to an LLC?

A business in Stevens Point may change its form under certain conditions. Whether or not a business is eligible for conversion to a LLC is a determination made by applicable Wisconsin laws.

How Can an Attorney Help?

Whether it would be favorable for your business to form or convert to a LLC is a difficult decision. An attorney practicing business law in Wisconsin can give you valuable advice.

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Life in Stevens Point

Stevens Point is the largest city in the county of Portage County, Wisconsin. As the county seat, it has a population of about 25,000 and was incorporated in 1858. The city was named after its founder, George Stevens. Stevens was a supply trade businessman whose store served the numerous loggers in the area.

Geographically, Stevens Point is located in the center of Wisconsin. This makes it an ideal city for both business and residential endeavors. Several large corporations have their headquarters in the city, including the Donaldson Company, Associated Bank, and AIG Travel Guard. Also, the University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point, and Mid-State Technical College are located in the city.

Residents of Stevens Point typically enjoy a wide mix of activities, with a multitude of city services being offered in sports and the arts. Retail and entertainment also form a large part of the city's economy. Festivities include the Portage County Cultural Festival and a Fourth of July Riverfront Rendezvous. A little bit of trivia: the world's largest trivia contest is held every April in Stevens Point, and lasts over 50 hours straight.

Lawyers in Stevens Point, Wisconsin usually file their claims with one of the Wisconsin Municipal Courts, or at the Portage County Circuit Court. Regardless of the type of legal issues, Stevens Point lawyers offer services to address your specific concerns.

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