What is an LLC?

Find the right LLC attorney in Albany, NY

The LLC, or Limited Liability Company, is a business structure that was invented to offer an array of benefits typically provided by other traditional business forms. An LLC has the same advantage of limited liability that a corporation does, but without being taxed as its own entity. Instead, it's taxed more similarly to a sole proprietorship or partnership. An LLC can also have an unlimited amount of shareholders, like a corporation. However, the LLC is dissolved if one of those members dies or files for bankruptcy. For hundreds of years, limited liability has been a primary goal of some business forms, but since the New York legislature enacted laws authorizing its formation, the modern LLC has become more and more popular.

Can My Business Be Formed as an LLC?

New York allows a company to incorporate using the business form it chooses. To begin as an LLC, a company simply files the necessary form with the Secretary of State. However, there may be an additional fee required for forming your LLC, determined by New York laws that govern the formation and actions of LLC's. When deciding whether to form a LLC, you should consider which laws would apply to your company. Although it may take some time to find, choosing the right business structure for your company will lead to increased profitability.

Can I Change the Form of My Business to an LLC?

A business in Albany may change its form under certain conditions. Whether or not a business is eligible for conversion to a LLC is a determination made by applicable New York laws.

How Can an Attorney Help?

Attorneys practicing business law in New York can advise you on whether it would be favorable for your business to form or convert to a LLC.

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Life in Albany

Albany is the capital city of New York State, and the county seat of Albany County. Albany, New Yorkis a medium-sized city, boasting a population of just under 100,000 people.

In 1908, Albany, New York opened one of the first commercial airports in the world, which served as a precursor to the Albany International Airport, which officially opened in 1920, and has been in continuous use since them.

Also, Albany, New York has a rich arts scene, with several renowned artists calling it home, along with some successful galleries. At the beginning of the spring season, Albany hosts an annual tulip festival, a popular regional event.

Albany is also a diverse city, with residents from a wide range of backgrounds. Albany's thriving artistic community, at least in part, owes its existence to this diversity.

New York is home to several nationally-renowned law schools, including New York University, and Columbia University,as well as some less-known law schools, which are very well-respected locally. Because of this, there is no shortage of Albany, New York lawyers.

Whatever legal problem you might have, it's likely that you can find a competent Albany, New York lawyer, at a fair price.

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